The Research Project name is Digital Transformation Through Life-Long Learning.
Demand for new or updated know-how and skills changes constantly due to increasingly fast-paced developments in knowledge and technology. Conventional approaches cannot meet this demand nor explore its potential. We have no responsive means or processes to establish and address current and emerging needs and opportunities.
We address the need to provide responsive means to speed up learning, co-creation and innovation transfer processes between academia and industry through:
a) Experimenting with digital solutions to scaffold learning and create methods and practices for knowledge transfer and collaborative knowledge creation in workplaces and industry.
b) Designing processes to upscale and scaffold the integration and sustenance of early-stage researchers in industry.
c) Developing digitally-enabled solutions to monitor advancements in knowledge, technology, legal frameworks and the fabric of industry to forecast needs and opportunities in education, training, job market and industry.
Key words: Knowledge transfer and creation, intersectoral movement, participatory design, computational intelligence, interactive information visualization