Research Streams

We aim to foster dynamic and flexible approaches to skills mapping to navigate rapid technological changes, enabling Estonian industry to lead in innovation while promoting agility, responsiveness, and social responsibility.

Our goals include:

Stream 1

Facilitating high-level workplace learning and knowledge creation.

Stream 2

Cultivating a skilled and adaptable workforce.

Stream 3

Leveraging data-driven insights for informed decision-making to drive sustainable growth and development across various sectors.

In our project, we address stream 1 and 2 through:

1. Developing a framework to foster collaborative knowledge creation and transfer within complex socio-technical systems. This will directly influence the design of future workplace learning tools and methodologies, engaging diverse participants in knowledge-intensive environments.

RQ 1: How do the proposed technology-enhanced workplace learning approaches scaffold individual learning processes to enhance cross-organization and informal learning, thereby fostering collaborative knowledge creation and transfer within organizational contexts?

    Concomitantly we address stream 2 and 3 through:

    2. Developing a framework to enable dynamic forecasting of needs and opportunities in education, training, workplaces and industry while anticipating future trends, identifying emerging skills and knowledge gaps, and mapping innovation opportunities. This will directly influence multi-level decision making when designing, developing, promoting and adopting educational and training policies and initiatives.

    RQ2: How does the proposed forecasting approach scaffold timely shaping of educational and training choices meeting the evolving demands of industry and the job market?

    As a result:

    We aim to offer a knowledge base derived from empirical studies that elucidate how individuals learn within socio-technical systems and transfer that learning across different environments, which will be formed into concrete guidelines.