Doctoral Consortium

Call for participation

ECCE 2025’s doctoral consortium is a full day session taking place on Monday, October 7th 2025. It is intended for doctoral students working in the broad field of cognitive ergonomics and human-media interaction.

The doctoral colloquium is an opportunity to present issues of concern relating to doctoral studies, meet fellow doctoral students, and get extensive feedback from the chairs and other participants. It is primarily intended for students in the middle of their studies (you have started your study and already done some work, but it is not too late to make changes based on feedback).

We especially welcome submissions that address cognitive ergonomics or human-media interaction in the perspective of the conference theme: Critical reflection for a better tomorrow.

Important Dates

28 April 2025

Submission deadline for Doctoral Consortium Papers

26 May 2025

Notifications sent to all authors

Submission Details

Online Submission

EasyChair (opening 24 February 2025)

Submission Format

Submissions must have the following components:

  • Doctoral colloquium paper
    Doctoral consortium papers are 3-4 pages long, excluding references.
  • Image
    Authors should also upload the poster to be presented at the conference as a still image with at least 1500 x 1200 px.
  • Curriculum vitae
    You are required to send your academic resumé with a list of publications.
  • Support letter
    You are required to send a letter of recommendation signed by your supervisor.

Selection Process

Doctoral consortium papers will be juried.


  • ACM Proceedings Format
  • LaTeX template
  • Overleaf template
  • Microsoft Word template + fonts


Authors of accepted papers must participate in the doctoral consortium and register for the conference.
Participants will be asked to read two other submissions and be prepared to give feedback to those students during the consortium.


We hope you will join us in Tallinn in October 2025!